What Is The Maintenance Surface of a Program?

Just like a program has an attack surface where vulnerabilities can be found, a program also has a maintenance surface where regressions, faults, bugs, and other breaks in the program's intended functionality can be found.

Jun 10, 2024

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Notes on - Chapter 1 of The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks

My thoughts and notes on the preface and first chapter of book The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks.

Feb 13, 2024

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Notes on - Questionable Advice: Can Engineering Productivity be Measured by Charity Majors

My personal thoughts and notes on a blog post Charity Majors wrote in response to a question about measuring engineering productivity. Here is a link to the blog post: https://charity.wtf/2020/07/07/questionable-advice-can-engineering-productivity-be-measured/.

Feb 13, 2024

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Notes on - Friday Deploy Freezes are Exactly Like Murdering Puppies by Charity Majors

My notes and thoughts on a blog post by Charity Majors about how Friday deploy freezes are actually a sign of an unhealthy culture. The original post is at https://charity.wtf/2019/05/01/friday-deploy-freezes-are-exactly-like-murdering-puppies/.

Feb 13, 2024

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Notes on - Choose Boring Technology by Dan McKinley

My notes and thoughts from reading Choose Boring Technology by Dan McKinley on his blog. His post is at https://mcfunley.com/choose-boring-technology.

Feb 13, 2024

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